Our Foundation
México Azul offers you an opportunity to do good and build a better Mexico by taking caring for our main source of life: the oceans.
We focus on the conservation of marine habitats and the protection of marine megafauna, but mainly one of the most unknown and least studied shark species in the world: the mako shark. Through Citizen Science, Scientific Tourism, Research and Scientific Dissemination we promote oceans conservation and care.
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Our Programs
Aquaculture for Sharks Fishermen
Manzanillo, Colima.
To decrease the shark fishing presure.
Citizen Science for Sharks Conservation
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.
To educate through tourism and generate scientific data.
Shark Meat Toxicity
Colima, Colima.
Help us to reduce the consumption of dogfish in Mexico.
Workshops & Talks
Ciudad de México.
Workshops to raise awarness about oceans value.